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Autor Tema: Vendo INV  (Leído 3583 veces)

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Desconectado miguelflz

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Vendo INV
« en: 13 de Agosto de 2022, 19:44:43 pm »
Vendo Inventario: Ofertas al mail de foro o interno por discord Overhaül#7619

Healing Staff +10
Healing Staff +9
Healing Staff +8
Staff of Piercing +7
Compo +10 (3 peco peco, 1 cruiser)
Compo +10 (2 hydra, 1 cruiser, 1 SW)
Compo +10 (3 abysmal, 1 mino)
Compo +10 (2 scorpion, 1 cruiser, 1 kaho)
Burning Bow +7 (cruiser)
Scalpel +7 (3 hydras)
Keris +5 (1 drop, +3 dex + 3 def)
Erde +7
Luna Kaleet +10 (3 abysmal)
Luna Kaleet +7 (2 hydras, 1 sw)
Katana +10 (2 hydras, 2 sw)
Dragon Slayer +4
Combat Knife +4
Mace +10 (3 hydras, 1 sw)
Chain +10 (2 hydras, 1 sw)
Elemental Sword [3]
Infiltrator +4 (1 sw)
Katar de Hielo +7 (1 sw)
Cardo +4 (1 kaho)
Main Gauche +10 x2 (4 zipper bear)
Fireblend x2, Ice Falcion x1
Chakram +7
Grand Cross

Valkyrja’s Shield +7 (Horn)
Orleans’s Server +7 (Hodremlin)
Orlean’s Server +7 [Alice]
Stone Buckler +8 (Alice)
Stone Buckler +7 x2 [1]
Stone Buckler +9 [Alice]
Stone Buckler +7 (Medusa)
Stone Buckler +7 (Flame Skull)
Stone Buckler +7 x2 (Alice)
Stone Buckler +7 x2 (Penomena)
Stone Buckler +7 (Khalitzburg)
Stone Buckler +7 x2 (Hodremlin)
Stone Buckler +7 (Thara Frog)
Stone Buckler +7 (Sky Petite)

Odin’s Blessing +7 x2 (Bathory)
Odin’s Blessing +7 (Swordfish)
Odin’s Blessing +7 (Comodo)
Odin’s Blessing +7 (Marc)
Odin’s Blessing +7 (Pasana)
Odin’s Blessing +9 (Pasana)
Tights +3 dex (Porcellio)
Thief Clothes +3 str (Porcellio)
Coat +3 int (Baby Desert Wolf)
Valkyrian Armor +3 dex (Angeling)
Sniping Suit (Porcellio)
Sniping Suit (Marc)
Sniping Suit (Pasana)
Pantie (Porcellio)
Pantie (Anolian)
Diabolus Robe +3 int (Pasana)
Diabolus Robe +3 int (Agav)
Diabolus Robe +3 str (Porcellio)
Diabolus Robe +2 dex (Bathory)
Diabolus Robe +3 dex (Observation)
Diabolus Armor +3 str (Porcellio)
Diabolus Armor +3 str (Bathory)
Sprint Mail +3 dex (Marc)
Armor of Naga +3 agil (Anolian)

Diabolus Boots +7 (Green Ferus)
Variants +6
Variants +0 x2
Vidar’s Boots +7 x2
Greaves +7 (Green Ferus)
Shackles +7 x2
Shoes (Merman)
Sandals (Christmas Cookie)
Sandals (Zombie Slaughter)
Sandals (Ancient Worm)
Sandals (Gajomart)
Sandals x2 (Zombie Prisoner)
Sandals (Explosion)
Sandals (Iron Fist)

Hood +9 (Chung E)
Hood +7 (Frilldora)
Pauldron +7 (Raydric)
Vali’s Manteau +7
Morpheus’s Shawl +7
Morrigane’s Manteau
Undershit (Dragon Tail)
Valkyrian Manteau +7 (Raydric)
Dragon Breath +4 (Raydric)
Proxy +5 (Noxious)
Proxy +7 (Raydric)
Proxy +7 (Aliot)

Clip (Smokie)
Clip (Phen)
Clip (Stapo)
Safety Ring x2
Ring (Horong)
Ring (Vitata)
Ring x3 (Mantis)
Glove x2 (Zerom)
Morpheu’s Ring
Morpheu’s Bracelet
Bloodied Shackle Ball
Bow Timble (Zerom)
Spiritual Ring x3
Ring of Flame Lord x2
Ring of Resonance
Orleans’s Glove x2 (Zerom)
Sprint Ring
Diabolus Ring x3 (Phen)
Diabolus Ring x2 (Mantis)
Diabolus Ring (Zerom)
Bison Horn (Alligator)

Sunglasses (Ungoliant)
Elven Ears (Giearth)
Elven Ears (Knocker)
Elven Ears (Leaf Cat)
Elven Ears (Leib Olmai)
Elven Ears x3 (Isilla)
Elven Ears x3 (Marduk)
Elven Ears (Nightmare)
Elven Ears (Vanberk)
Elven Ears (Incubus)
Elven Ears (Ungoliant)

Magni’s Cap +9
Mangi’s Cap +7 x2
Ulle’s Cap (Isilla)
Ulle’s Cap (Vanberk)
Ulle’s Cap (Nightmare)
Ulle’s Cap (Knocker)
Frigg’s Circlet +7
Morpheus’s Hood +7 x2
Marionette Doll (Vanberk)
Crown (Isilla)
Feather Beret +4
Boy’s Cap (Incubus)
Bone Head +4 (Vanberk)

Puppy Hat
Baby Chick
Sea Cat Hat
Koneko Hat
Nature Beret
Reptile Leather Beret
Rabbit Ear Knit Hat
Costume: Lunatic Hat
Chilly Breath
Amistr Hat
Rain Cloud
Costume: White Student Cap
Dolor Hat
Imp Hat
Sweetheart Gum
Very Cute Doll Hat
Tasty Strawberry Hat
Y más.

 /idea  /angel   /hi

Desconectado cocobongo14

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Re:Vendo INV
« Respuesta #1 en: 09 de Junio de 2023, 03:34:22 am »
cuanto la Proxy +7 (Aliot)

Desconectado kurotsuki

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Re:Vendo INV
« Respuesta #2 en: 06 de Septiembre de 2023, 10:19:08 am »
Cuanto por la Very Cute Doll?  (mail a: mati-asesino)

Desconectado n09125r

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Re:Vendo INV
« Respuesta #3 en: 06 de Septiembre de 2023, 18:27:16 pm »
Sprint con marc cuanto?

Desconectado Drogadicto~420

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Re:Vendo INV
« Respuesta #4 en: 10 de Octubre de 2023, 01:26:08 am »
Bro Cuanto vendes la Very Cute Doll ? en efectivo

Desconectado gil91

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Re:Vendo INV
« Respuesta #5 en: 16 de Noviembre de 2023, 08:19:57 am »
cuanto el diabolus armor str+3 con procelio ?