Como bien dice Yamino, el success no se ve afectado por stats, reducción de HP y/o provoke. Además cabe señalar que cada monstruo tiene un
Capture Rate individual.
En cuanto a rumores se refiere, es exactamente lo mismo que la casilla para obtener el refine definitivo. Lo único que se menciona es que se recomienda utilizar un mago con frost drive para capturar la mob agresiva sin resultar herido.
Spoiler Estructura de la database:
// Pet Additional Database
// Structure of Database:
// MobID,Name,JName,LureID,EggID,EquipID,FoodID,Fullness,HungryDelay,R_Hungry,R_Full,Intimate,Die,Capture,Speed,S_Performance,talk_convert_class,attack_rate,defence_attack_rate,change_target_rate,pet_script,loyal_script
// 01. MobID Monster ID of the pet.
// 02. Name Name of the monster as defined in the database.
// 03. JName The display name of the monster when hatched.
// 04. LureID Pet Tame Item ID.
// 05. EggID Pet Egg ID.
// 06. EquipID Pet Accessory ID.
// 07. FoodID Pet Food ID.
// 08. Fullness The amount of hunger points increasing with each feeding.
// 09. HungryDelay The amount of time it takes for hunger to decrease after feeding. (Default: 60 seconds)
// 10. R_Hungry Amount of Intimacy that is increased when fed.
// 11. R_Full Amount of Intimacy that is decreased when over-fed.
// 12. Intimate Amount of Intimacy the pet starts with.
// 13. Die Amount of Intimacy that is decreased when the pet owner dies.
// 14. Capture Capture succes rate (10000 = 100%)
// 15. Speed Pet's walk speed. (Defaul: 150)
// 16. S_Performance Special Performance. (Yes = 1, No = 0)
// 17. talk_convert_class Disables pet talk (instead of talking they emote with /!.)
// 18. attack_rate Rate of which the pet will attack (requires at least pet_support_min_friendly intimacy).
// 19. defence_attack_rate Rate of which the pet will retaliate when master is being attacked (requires at least pet_support_min_friendly intimacy).
// 20. change_target_rate Rate of which the pet will change its attack target.
// 21. pet_script Script to execute when the pet is hatched.
// 22. loyal_script Script to execute when the pet is hatched (requires at least pet_equip_min_friendly intimacy, independent of pet_script).
//NOTE: The max value (100%) of attack_rate, defense_rate & change_target_rate is 10000.
//In theory you can use any valid script, but it is run only once upon pet
//loading, so it is recommended you use the specific pet scripts:
//petskillattack skillid, skilllv, hits, rate, bonusrate
//Skill attack that triggers while the pet is attacking. Rate is the base
//chance of execution per attack. Bonusrate is an additional success rate when
//intimacy reaches max. If hits is specified and different than 0, it will make
//the pet cast the skill with a fixed amount of damage inflicted and the
//specified number of hits. A value of zero uses the skill's defaults.
//petskillsupport skillid, skilllv, delay, hp%, sp%
//Casts a support skill when the health levels are below the specified hp% and
//sp%. Delay is the minimum time in seconds before the skill can be cast again
//petrecovery type, delay: Cures the "type" status effect after "delay" seconds
//petskillbonus type, value, duration, delay
//Gives bonus stats. Type is the stat to increase (bStr, bLuk), value is the
//amount by which it is increased, duration signals how long the bonus lasts
//delay is the time elapsed after the bonus ends and before it starts again.
//A single pet can have petloot, petskillbonus, petskillattack and
//petskillsupport at the same time, but only one of each.
Bonos por puntos de LUK:
Luck: This stat affects the fortune of the character in some aspects, allowing it to deal Critical hits more often, luckily dodging enemy attacks more often, among several other small bonuses.
Every point of LUK provides:
Critical Hit Rate +0.3%
Blacksmiths: Forging success rate +0.1%
Alchemists: Brewing success rate +0.1%
Cooking success rate +0.1%
Resistance vs. the following Status Effects:
Blind: slightly decreases chance from being inflicted
Curse: -1% chance from being inflicted
Frozen: slightly decreases from being inflicted
Poison: slightly decreases chance from being inflicted (exact value unknown)
Silence: slightly decreases from being inflicted
Sleep: slightly decreases from being inflicted
Stone Curse: slightly decreases chance from being inflicted
Stun: slightly decreases chance from being inflicted, -0.01 seconds duration
Every 3 points of LUK provide:
ATK +1
Hit rate +1
Hunters: Auto-Blitz Beat rate +1% (requires a Falcon and the skill Blitz Beat)
Rangers: Auto-Warg Strike rate +1% (requires a Warg and the skill Warg Strike)
Every 5 points of LUK provide:
Flee rate +1
Critical Hit Shield +1%
Every 10 points of LUK provide:
Perfect Dodge +1
LUK specific:
Hit rate
Flee rate
Perfect Dodge
Status Effects
Potion Creation
Does not affect Drop Rates
Bono de puntos por DEX:Dexterity: This stat affects the accuracy (HIT) of the character in many aspects, allowing it to land hits easier, among other things. It is also the primary stat for "ranged" physical power, and the primary stat for decreasing cast time.
When using "ranged-type" weapons such as Bows, Guns, Instruments and Whips, every point of DEX provides:
Status ATK +1
Weapon ATK +0.5% (only on Base Weapon ATK, and this bonus is pseudo-elemental)
When using "melee-type" weapons such as Axes, Books, Daggers, Katars, Knuckles, Maces, Spears or when Bare Handed, every 5 points of
DEX provide:
Status ATK +1
Every point of DEX provides:
Hit rate +1
Decreases Cast Time
Increases Attack Speed
Thieves: Steal success rate +0.1%
Rogues: Divest success rate +0.2%
Blacksmiths: Forging success rate +0.1%
Alchemists: Brewing success rate +0.1%
Cooking success rate +0.2%
Every 5 points of DEX provide:
Soft MDEF +1
DEX specific:
Hit rate
Cast Time
Potion Creation