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Dungeon Teleport ElectionsIn each major city of Rune-Midgarts Kingdom, a special Kafra and Cool Event Corp. Employee are found close to each other. Players over level 70 may vote for whom they would like to win. An announcement is occasionally made throughout the entire game informing players the current status of the election. Once a winner is chosen, that NPC will provide warps to certain dungeons. The dungeons that are available depend on when that NPC last won an election and by how large a margin it won the current election.Voting is open for 24 hours. If neither side receives at least 20 votes, voting remains open for another 24 hours (repeat until someone has at least 20 votes). Teleport service lasts for 144 game hours (6 days). The mechanism counting time for this is an actual in game NPC, so time does not elapse during server maintenance (or when the zone controlling Einbroch has crashed).
Que? donde pone eso en la wiki supuestamente?
http://irowiki.org/wiki/Cool_Event#Dungeon_Teleport_ElectionsCitarDungeon Teleport ElectionsIn each major city of Rune-Midgarts Kingdom, a special Kafra and Cool Event Corp. Employee are found close to each other. Players over level 70 may vote for whom they would like to win. An announcement is occasionally made throughout the entire game informing players the current status of the election. Once a winner is chosen, that NPC will provide warps to certain dungeons. The dungeons that are available depend on when that NPC last won an election and by how large a margin it won the current election.Voting is open for 24 hours. If neither side receives at least 20 votes, voting remains open for another 24 hours (repeat until someone has at least 20 votes). Teleport service lasts for 144 game hours (6 days). The mechanism counting time for this is an actual in game NPC, so time does not elapse during server maintenance (or when the zone controlling Einbroch has crashed). upx5
Yo Soy Scorpion
El de mortal kombat? xD
Cita de: Elmekia en 31 de Octubre de 2010, 22:15:35 pmComo diria VictorGB:comer malo endzail caer jaja mancos JJA SECUESTROporque no te callas manco y te pones trabaja por serv
Como diria VictorGB:comer malo endzail caer jaja mancos JJA SECUESTRO
Es que cuando tenemos la razon se hacen los ignorantes ^^Cita de: Elmekia en 06 de Octubre de 2010, 01:38:39 amQue? donde pone eso en la wiki supuestamente?Cita de: felipess en 11 de Octubre de 2010, 18:28:02 pmhttp://irowiki.org/wiki/Cool_Event#Dungeon_Teleport_ElectionsCitarDungeon Teleport ElectionsIn each major city of Rune-Midgarts Kingdom, a special Kafra and Cool Event Corp. Employee are found close to each other. Players over level 70 may vote for whom they would like to win. An announcement is occasionally made throughout the entire game informing players the current status of the election. Once a winner is chosen, that NPC will provide warps to certain dungeons. The dungeons that are available depend on when that NPC last won an election and by how large a margin it won the current election.Voting is open for 24 hours. If neither side receives at least 20 votes, voting remains open for another 24 hours (repeat until someone has at least 20 votes). Teleport service lasts for 144 game hours (6 days). The mechanism counting time for this is an actual in game NPC, so time does not elapse during server maintenance (or when the zone controlling Einbroch has crashed). upx5
además eso es de iro.
Cita de: Elmekia en 11 de Octubre de 2010, 22:25:56 pmademás eso es de iro.y eso es malo?._.Bueno pero al final estan desactivadas o no? porque tu me dices una cosa y tanto Vega como Kat me dicen otra, junto con que hace ya mas de un año que no veo que se cambie el warp.upx2