Bien, cojo la idea de la web de (pag sobre videojuegos). El juego consiste en hacer que diversos personajes del mundo de los videojuegos se enfrenten entre sí, y sean los usuarios quienes decidan quién gana mediante votaciones en encuestas. Ejemplo:
Mario (12 votos) vs Solid Snake (15 votos) Ganador: Solid Snake
Se dará un día para decidir quién gana, y habrá dos combates al día.
Lista de personajes (orden alfabético):
Abe (Oddworlds)
Akuma (Street Fighter)
Alex Kidd (Alex Kidd)
Alma (F.E.A.R)
Altair (Assassin's Creed)
Alucard (Castlevania Symphony Of The Night)
Auron (FF X)
Axl (Megaman X)
Balloon Fighter (Balloon Fight)
Balthier (FF XII)
Big Daddy (BioShock)
Bomberman Blanco (Saga Bomberman)
Bomberman Negro (Saga Bomberman)
Caballero Negro (Fire Emblem)
Capitan Commando (Capitan Commando)
Capitán Falcon (F-Zero)
Chuck Rock (Chuck Rock)
Cinder (Killer Instinct)
Cloud (Final Fantasy VII)
Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot)
Dan (Dan the Man)
Dante (Devil May Cry 3)
Doomguy (Doom 2)
Edgar (FF6)
El Padre Miguel (XRO)
El tentáculo morado de "The day of the tentacle"
Eremes Guile (RO)
Fabre (Ragnarok Online)
Ficha palo (Tetris)
Fox Mc Cloud (StarFox/LylatWars/StarWings Saga)
Fulgore (Killer Instinct)
Guinevere (Fire Emblem)
Hans (Golden Sun)
Haohmaru (Samurai Shodown)
Hawkeye (Fire Emblem)
Héctor (Fire Emblem)
Heihachi (Tekken)
Howard Alt-Eisen (RO)
Hrist Valkyrie (Valkyrie profile 2: Silmeria)
Ike (Fire Emblem)
Invoker (Dota)
Iván (Golden Sun I&II)
Ivy (Soul Calibur)
Jaffar (Fire Emblem)
Jago (Killer Instinct)
Kaume Tebane (El Caballero)
Ken (Street Fighter)
Kiel D-01 (RO)
King (Tekken)
Klaymen (Skullmonkeys)
Klonoa (Klonoa)
Kratos (Saga God of War)
Kula (the king of fighters)
La caja del Metal Gear Solid.
Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil 2~4)
Leona Heidern (King of Fighters)
Link (Saga Zelda)
Liquid Ocelot (MGS: 4)
Liquid Snake (MGS: 1)
Lloyd Irving (Tales Of Symphonia)
Lu Bu (Dynasty Warriors saga)
Luigi (Saga Super Mario)
Lyndis (Fire Emblem)
Mano (Black and White)
Mario (Saga Mario)
Master Chief (Halo)
Master Hand (Super Smash Bros.)
Mii (Wii)
Missingno (Pokémon Rojo, Azul, Verde, Amarillo)
Moguri (Final Fantasy)
Mr. Game & Watch (Mr. Game & Watch Series)
Neku Sakuraba (The World Ends With You)
Nemesis (Resident Evil III)
Norman Jayden (Heavy Rain)
Olimar (Pikmin)
Pac Man (Pac-Man)
Pepsiman (Pepsiman)
Pikachu (Pokémon)
Pyramid Head (Silent Hill)
Quina Quen (Final Fantasy IX)
Ratchet (Saga Ratchet and Clank)
Raziel (Legazy of Kain)
Revolver Ocelot (MGS: 1, 2 y 3)
Rey Exánime (Warcraft)
Richter Beltmont (Castlevania Saga)
Rion Steiner (Galerians)
Robot (Machinarium)
Roll (Megaman)
Ryu (Street Fighter)
Sabin (FF6)
Sabrewolf (Killer Instinct)
Samus Aran (Saga Metroid)
Sanae Kotiya (Touhou Project)
Scott Shelby (Heavy Rain)
Selan (Lufia & the Fortress of Doom)
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)
Seyren Windsor (RO)
Sigma (Megaman X)
Sir Arthur (Saga Ghosts 'n Goblins)
Sir Daniel Fortesque (Medievil)
Sol Badguy (Guilty Gear)
Solid Snake (Metal Gear)
Solidus Snake (Metal Gear Solid: 2)
Soma Cruz (Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow)
Sonia (Fire Emblem)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Saga Sonic)
Spyro el Dragón (Spyro)
Squall (FF VIII)
Suwako Moriya (Touhou Project)
Talim (Soul Calibur)
The Kid (IWBTG)
Thunder (Killer Instinct)
Tingle (The Legend of Zelda)
Tira (Soul Calibur III)
Titania (Fire Emblem)
Tombi (Tombi!)
Toon Link (Saga The Legend of Zelda)
Totakeke (Animal Crossing)
Twisted Fate (League of Legends)
Tyrael (Diablo 2 y 3)
Utsuho Reiuji (Touhou Project)
Vega (Street Fighter)
Vergil (Devil May Cry 3)
Wanderer (Shadow of the Colossus)
Wario (Wario Land 3)
Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy I)
X (Megaman X)
Yasaka Kanako (Touhou Project)
Yuyuko Saigyouji (Touhou Project)
Zero (Megaman X)
Primera ronda:
Edgar (FF VI) VS Fulgore (Killer Instinct)
Kiel D-01 (RO) VS Moguri (Final Fantasy)
Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot) VS Thunder (Killer Instinct)
Sabrewolf (Killer Instinct) VS Kaume Tebane (El Caballero)
Alma (F.E.A.R) VS Dan (Dan the Man)
Segunda Ronda:
Ratchet (Saga Ratchet and Clank) VS Chuck Rock (Chuck Rock)
Sir Arthur (Saga Ghosts 'n Goblins) VS Quina Quen (Final Fantasy IX)
Caballero Negro (Fire Emblem) VS Heihachi (Tekken)
Talim (Soul Calibur) VS Tyrael (Diablo 2 y 3)
Sanae Kotiya (Touhou Project) VS X (Megaman X)
Tercera Ronda:
Jago (Killer Instinct) VS Zero (Megaman X)
Cinder (Killer Instinct) VS Capitan Commando (Capitan Commando)
Cloud (Final Fantasy VII) VS Kratos (Saga God of War) EMPATE
Alex Kidd (Alex Kidd) VS Link (Saga Zelda)
Fabre (Ragnarok Online) VS El tentáculo morado de "The day of the tentacle"
Cuarta Ronda
Titania (Fire Emblem) VS Tingle (The Legend of Zelda)
Abe (Oddworlds) VS Mii (Wii)
Sabin (FF6) VS Seyren Windsor (RO)
Sir Daniel Fortesque (Medievil) VS Invoker (Dota)
Kula (the King of Fighters) VS Sigma (Megaman X)
Quinta Ronda
Klonoa (Klonoa) VS Richter Beltmont (Castlevania Saga)
Scott Shelby (Heavy Rain) VS Liquid Ocelot (MGS: 4)
Guinevere (Fire Emblem) VS Vega (Street Fighter)
Sol Badguy (Guilty Gear) VS Solid Snake (Metal Gear)
Tira (Soul Calibur III) VS Hawkeye (Fire Emblem)
Sexta Ronda:
La caja del Metal Gear Solid. VS Ficha palo (Tetris)
Ivy (Soul Calibur) VS Solidus Snake (Metal Gear Solid: 2) EMPATE
King (Tekken) VS Soma Cruz (Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow)
Iván (Golden Sun I&II) VS Squall (FF VIII)
Jaffar (Fire Emblem) VS Roll (Megaman)
Séptima Ronda
Wario (Wario Land 3) VS Capitán Falcon (F-Zero)
Altair (Assassin's Creed) VS Pikachu (Pokémon)
Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil 2~4) VS Pyramid Head (Silent Hill)
Revolver Ocelot (MGS: 1, 2 y 3) VS Balthier (FF XII)
Raziel (Legazy of Kain) VS Axl (Megaman X)
Octava Ronda
Yuyuko Saigyouji (Touhou Project) VS Vergil (Devil May Cry 3)
Suwako Moriya (Touhou Project) VS Klaymen (Skullmonkeys)
Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy I) VS Norman Jayden (Heavy Rain)
Ryu (Street Fighter) VS Utsuho Reiuji (Touhou Project)
Spyro el Dragón (Spyro) VS Yasaka Kanako (Touhou Project)
Novena Ronda
Pepsiman (Pepsiman) VS Sonia (Fire Emblem) EMPATE
Olimar (Pikmin) VS Lu Bu (Dynasty Warriors saga)
Totakeke (Animal Crossing) VS Auron (FF X)
Dante (Devil May Cry 3) VS Missingno (Pokémon Rojo, Azul, Verde, Amarillo)
Lyndis (Fire Emblem) VS El Padre Miguel (XRO)
Décima Ronda
Alucard (Castlevania Symphony Of The Night) VS Doomguy (Doom 2)
Fox Mc Cloud (StarFox/LylatWars/StarWings Saga) VS Ike (Fire Emblem)
Ken (Street Fighter) VS Liquid Ocelot (MGS: 4)
Mano (Black and White) VS Mr. Game & Watch (Mr. Game & Watch Series)
Neku Sakuraba (The World Ends With You) VS Howard Alt-Eisen (RO)
Undécima Ronda
Samus Aran (Saga Metroid) VS Sonic the Hedgehog (Saga Sonic)
The Kid (IWBTG) VS Twisted Fate (League of Legends)
Big Daddy (BioShock) VS Akuma (Street Fighter)
Eremes Guile (RO) VS Wander (Shadow of the Colossus)
Hans (Golden Sun) VS Héctor (Fire Emblem)
Duodécima Ronda
Haohmaru (Samurai Shodown) VS Hrist Valkyrie (Valkyrie profile 2: Silmeria)
Toon Link (Saga The Legend of Zelda) VS Lloyd Irving (Tales Of Symphonia)
Nemesis (Resident Evil III) VS Rey Exánime (Warcraft)
Selan (Lufia & the Fortress of Doom) VS Tombi (Tombi!)
Liquid Snake (MGS: 1) VS Pac Man (Pac-Man)
Décimo Tercera Ronda
Luigi (Saga Super Mario) VS Rion Steiner (Galerians)
Robot (Machinarium) VS Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)
Mario (Saga Mario) VS Master Chief (Halo)
Master Hand (Super Smash Bros.) VS Balloon Fighter (Balloon Fight)
Bomberman Blanco (Bomberman) VS Bomberman Negro (Bomberman)
Mujiwara (XRO) VS Vega (XRO)
Barra inanimada de carbono (Los Simpsons) VS All (All)