Estas son las skill agregadas al Sorcerer
son las skill que faltaban que se colocasen.
Agni Fire Elementals summoned
MAX Lv: 3
^ 777777 acquisition criteria: Sprite Control 1 / 3 ^ 000000 warmers
Series: ^ 777777 active / recall ^ 000000
Description: ^ 777777 Agde fire your spirit is summoned. Summoned at the level of [Red Blood 3 / 6 Red Blood / Heart Frame 1] one should consume as a catalyst. ^ 000000
[Level 1]: ^ 777777 Duration 600 seconds, 10 SP consumed per 5 ^ 000000
[Level 2]: ^ 777777 Duration 900 seconds, 10 SP consumed per 8 ^ 000000
[Level 3]: ^ 777777 duration of 1200 seconds, 10 SP consumed per 11 ^ 000000
Aqua Summon Water Elementals
MAX Lv: 3
^ 777777 acquisition criteria: Sprite Control 1 / 3 ^ 000000 Diamond Dust
Series: ^ 777777 active / recall ^ 000000
Description: ^ 777777 Aqua Water Elementals is summoned. Summoned at the level of [3 Crystal Blue / Crystal Blue 6 / Mystic Frozen 1] one should consume as a catalyst. ^ 000000
[Level 1]: ^ 777777 Duration 600 seconds, 10 SP consumed per 5 ^ 000000
[Level 2]: ^ 777777 Duration 900 seconds, 10 SP consumed per 8 ^ 000000
[Level 3]: ^ 777777 duration of 1200 seconds, 10 SP consumed per 11 ^ 000000
Bentuseu summon spirits of the wind
MAX Lv: 3
^ 777777 acquisition criteria: Sprite Control 1 / volleyball Tyr Spear 3 ^ 000000
Series: ^ 777777 active / recall ^ 000000
Description: ^ 777777 Wind will summon the spirit of bentuseu. Summoned at the level of [Wind Of beodyueo 3 / Wind Of beodyueo 6 / Rough Wind 1] one should consume as a catalyst. ^ 000000
[Level 1]: ^ 777777 Duration 600 seconds, 10 SP consumed per 5 ^ 000000
[Level 2]: ^ 777777 Duration 900 seconds, 10 SP consumed per 8 ^ 000000
[Level 3]: ^ 777777 duration of 1200 seconds, 10 SP consumed per 11 ^ 000000
Tara Elementals summoned the earth
MAX Lv: 3
^ 777777 acquisition criteria: Sprite Control 1 / 3 ^ 000000 Ghraib Earth
Series: ^ 777777 active / recall ^ 000000
Description: ^ 777777 Tara earth spirits are summoned. Summoned at the level of [Green Live 3 / Green Live 6 / Great Nature 1] one should consume as a catalyst. ^ 000000
[Level 1]: ^ 777777 Duration 600 seconds, 10 SP consumed per 5 ^ 000000
[Level 2]: ^ 777777 Duration 900 seconds, 10 SP consumed per 8 ^ 000000
[Level 3]: ^ 777777 duration of 1200 seconds, 10 SP consumed per 11 ^ 000000
Sprite Control
MAX Lv: 3
^ 777777 acquisition criteria: 4 Elemental analysis: 1 ^ 000000
Series: ^ 777777 ^ 000000 Active
Description: ^ 777777 Weight (standby) mode, the command down to the passive state ordinance (buff), defensive (defensive), offensive (attack) mode is available. Once again, the same command, they weight (standby) mode is. Standby mode, the HP and SP of the ordinance to be recovering slowly. ^ 000000
[Level 1]: ^ 777777 ^ 000000 spirit passive mode
[Level 2]: ^ 777777 ^ spirit defensive mode 000000
[Level 3]: ^ 777777 ^ spirit of the offensive mode 000000
Elemental Action
MAX Lv: 1
^ 777777 acquisition criteria: Sprite Control 3 ^ 000000
Series: ^ 777777 ^ 000000 Active
Description: ^ 777777 summon spirit of being offensive (attack) mode command lets one immediately activated. ^ 000000
4 element analysis
^ 777777 acquisition criteria: frame launcher 1 / Frost Weapon 1 / Lightning Loader 1 / sayijeumik Weapon 1 ^ 000000
Series: ^ 777777 ^ 000000 Active
Description: ^ 777777 to summon the spirits are broken down on stone seats for chokmaein property or property as opposed to rough stone are combined. ^ 000000
[Level 1]: ^ 777777 property and property in the rough stone parts (Frame, Hart, Rough Wind, Mystic Frozen Great Nature 1 window, put the dog converted the Red Blood, Wind Of beodyueo, Crystal Blue, Live Green is decomposed into several . disassemble the random number that is determined. ^ 000000
[Level 2]: ^ 777777 properties combined with rough stone to the property (Red Blood, Wind Of beodyueo, Crystal Blue, Green Live 10, one conversion put the window frame, heartbeat, Rough Wind, Mystic Frozen Great Nature 1 one gets ) sokseongseok combination could not get anything to fail. ^ 000000
Sympathetic spirit
MAX Lv: 5
^ 777777 acquisition criteria: Sprite Control 3 ^ 000000
Series: ^ 777777 ^ 000000 passive
Description: ^ 777777 Elementals summoned by a spirit of sympathy with HP, SP, and summoned the city SP to increase damage and reduce consumption. ^ 000000
[Level 1]: ^ 777777 HP 500, SP 50 Increase / increase damage 25 / SP 10% reduction when summoned ^ 000000
[Level 2]: ^ 777777 HP 1000, SP 100 increased / damage increased 50 / SP 15% reduction when summoned ^ 000000
[Level 3]: ^ 777777 HP 1500, SP 150 increased / damage increased 75 / SP 20% reduction when summoned ^ 000000
[Level 4]: ^ 777777 HP 2000, SP 200 increased, 100 increased damage / SP 25% reduction when summoned ^ 000000
[Level 5]: ^ 777777 HP 2500, SP 250 increased, 125 increased damage / SP 30% reduction when summoned ^ 000000
Spirit healing
MAX Lv: 1
^ 777777 acquisition criteria: Decree sympathy 1 ^ 000000
Series: ^ 777777 active / recovery ^ 000000
Description: ^ 777777 caster your HP, SP and some consumption of spirits by HP, SP shall recover. ^ 000000
Fire Insignia Catania
MAX Lv: 3
^ 777777 acquisition criteria: Fire Elementals summoned Agni 3 ^ 000000
Series: ^ 777777 active / floor magic ^ 000000
Description: ^ 777777 Floor 3 x 3 in the range of fire and drew a sentence within the range of the target and hwasokseong hwasokseong armor equipped monster is 5 per 1% HP recovered. In contrast, body armor equipped with persistence or continuity target for 5 per monster is reduced to 1% of HP. In addition, all targets within a range of effective attacks against susokseong for property damage will increase 1.5 times. Skills at each level using the [Scarlet Point 1 / 2 / 3] one should consume. ^ 000000
[Level 1]: ^ 777777 Agde your spirit of fire damage increased by 20%. Every 3 seconds HP, SP is 2 times the amount of recovery. ^ 000000
[Level 2]: ^ 777777 damage increased by 50. Hwasokseongeuro change weapon properties. Physical damage increased by 10%. ^ 000000
[Level 3]: ^ 777777 Increases spell damage by 50. Using some of the magic hwasokseong a 25% increase in damage. ^ 000000
Water Insignia Catania
MAX Lv: 3
^ 777777 acquisition conditions: Water Elementals Summon Aqua 3 ^ 000000
Series: ^ 777777 active / floor magic ^ 000000
Contents: 3 x 3 ^ 777777 ground water in the range of sentences drawn within the range of the target and susokseong susokseong armor equipped monster is 5 per 1% HP recovered. Equipped with anti-armor hwasokseong hwasokseong monsters who target or 5 per 1% of HP is reduced. In addition, all targets within a range of effective attacks against pungsokseong for property damage will increase 1.5 times. Skills at each level using the [Indigo Point 1 / 2 / 3] one should consume. ^ 000000
[Level 1]: ^ 777777 Aqua water spirits increased by 20% of the damage. Every 3 seconds HP, SP is 2 times the amount of recovery. ^ 000000
[Level 2]: ^ 777777 Hill, a 10% increase in recovery work. This procedure changes the properties to the castle weapons. Physical damage 10% increase. ^ 000000
[Level 3]: ^ 777777 susokseong some magical change in the 30% reduction in casting. Using some of the magic susokseong a 25% increase in damage. ^ 000000
Wind Insignia Catania
MAX Lv: 3
^ 777777 acquisition conditions: the wind spirits summoned bentuseu 3 ^ 000000
Series: ^ 777777 active / floor magic ^ 000000
Description: ^ 777777 winds in the range of 3 x 3 floor, draw a sentence within the range of the target and pungsokseong pungsokseong armor equipped monster is 5 per 1% HP recovered. Equipped with anti-armor susokseong susokseong monsters who target or 5 per 1% of HP is reduced. In addition, all targets within a range of effective anti-persistence property damage for attacks will increase 1.5 times. Skills at each level using the [yellow Wish point 1 / 2 / 3] one should consume. ^ 000000
[Level 1]: ^ 777777 bentuseu spirit of the wind damage increased by 20%. Every 3 seconds HP, SP is 2 times the amount of recovery. ^ 000000
[Level 2]: ^ 777777 slightly increased attack speed. The wind changed to the castle weapon property. Physical damage increased by 10%. ^ 000000
[Level 3]: ^ 777777 pungsokseong some delay, a 50% reduction in the magic skill. Pungsokseong part of a 25% increase in spell damage. ^ 000000
Earth Insignia Catania
MAX Lv: 3
^ 777777 acquisition criteria: land of Tara Elementals summoned 3 ^ 000000
Series: ^ 777777 active / floor magic ^ 000000
Description: ^ 777777 in the range 3 x 3 floor, draw a sentence of land within the range of armor equipped with persistence and continuity of the target monster to recover 5 per 1% HP. Equipped with anti-armor pungsokseong pungsokseong monsters who target or 5 per 1% of HP is reduced. In addition, all targets within a range of effective attacks against hwasokseong for property damage will increase 1.5 times. Using skills at each level [Lime Green Point 1 / 2 / 3] one should consume. ^ 000000
[Level 1]: ^ 777777 Tara earth spirits increased by 20% of the damage. Every 3 seconds HP, SP is 2 times the amount of recovery. ^ 000000
[Level 2]: ^ 777777 MHP 500, DEF 50 increases. Transformed into weapons of property persistence. Physical damage increased by 10%. ^ 000000
[Level 3]: ^ 777777 MSP 50, MDEF 50 increases. Some persistence, a 25% increase in spell damage. ^ 000000