a mi me pasa lo mismo, no recuerdo si es normal o no pero a mi me pasa lo mismo y no se me hace extraño, si segun tu eso no deberia pasar por lo menos en mi opinion te digo q a mi tambien me pasa, quizas a ellos no se les vea ese efecto producto de q tienen configurado de otra forma el ro o algo por el estilo pero ti dejo mi comentario de q tambien em sucede a mi y no lo encuentro extraño...
PD: ahora por la descripion q dejan en la skill eh de suponer q no puedes equiparte un escudo dado q dice q no puedes cambiarlo, asi q me imagino q esa misma descripcion q aparece en la skill me hace pensar q no se puede poner o cambiar el escudo...
Effect: Do 3 holy element, cross shaped, splash attacks with the area of effect centered on yourself.
Enemies of Undead and Demon type will be blinded. Damage is (100+40*SkillLV)%*(ATK+MATK)*holy_property_fix per hit, where:
- ATK is the damage that you would cause to the monster using a normal (neutral property) attack (Masteries don't cont, weapon cards that increase ATK or STR work but cards that gives % more damage do NOT)
- MATK is the damage that you would cause to the monster using a neutral property spell (and this value CAN BE negative, like when a mob that has higher INT than your MATK, cards/weapons that add additional INT work)
During the cast process your defense will be reduced by 1/3. After casting is finished, you will receive 20% of current HP+([(100+40*SkillLV)%*(ATK+MATK)]/2)*holy_property_fix damage per hit yourself, where:
- ATK is the damage that you would cause to YOURSELF using a normal attack (Thara Frog Card works and decrease damage. The '20% of current HP' rant can NOT be avoided or reduced!)
- MATK is the damage that you would cause to YOURSELF using a neutral property spell
Damage (on yourself) is reduced TWICE - first because of 'half damage to yourself', second because of the Faith skill (that reduces holy damage by half) so players actually get 1/4 damage.
You may not change the equipped shield while you cast this spell. Casting can not be interrupted and the damage ignores size modifications.