Hola buenas, estube un tiempo sin jugar al ro, y acausa del tiempo libre decidi volver, pense en hacerme un Battle profe y comenze a probar builds, cuando la acabe la comprobe en un server de prueba y para mi sorpresa la skill coma del libro(book of death) no salia, entre a xatiya a comprovarlo tambien y tampoco. No se si sera una nueva acctualizacion durante mi ausencia, pero he mirado x paginas y no ha cambiado su descripcion:
A book containing names, used by the agents of death. There are times when the book of the dead is circulated in this world because they have dropped the book in the realm of the living. There are tons of names written in here, and there seems to be names of people you might know well ... It says Holg ... .
MATK + 15%, STR + 3, INT + 3, LUK - 20.
Add a 10% chance of auto casting Coma effect on DemiHuman monster.
Attack Speed increased depending on the refinement rate of this weapon.
[Sage, Professor]
There is a small chance to cause damage and Curse status ailment to every enemies in the screen they are in.
Si no es mucha molestia me gustaria que me informaran del problema. Gracias y un saludo ^^