Sii implementenlos para poder hacer sus quest ^^ asi consigo armas lvl 4 ^^ como ice pick , rudra bow Executioner ^^
Una de las razones por las que me opongo a implementar los Godlike de WoE FE.
A mi este apartado me gustaría modificarlo,osea, durante meses consiguieras los items para crear el godlike item,pero en vez de eso que hubiera que pasar una dungeon muy peligrosa que requiera un minimo de players on(2 partys completas) y que si pierdes no consigues el item y pierdas la mitad de los materiales
Una de las razones por las que apoyo la implementación de los Godlike de WoE SE. Se hacen mediante la quest "The Vision of Okolnir" descrita a continuación.
The Vision of Okolnir-----------------------------------------
Quest: de un post de Doddler de la quest:
VIDEO:ón del video:1) At first when you enter the dungeon, you need to have 20 people gathered. They'll be dropped into a labyrinth with walls in place from flowers that force you down a certain path. The flowers have 10000 HP, and they disappear and re-arrange themselves every couple minutes, so its useless to try to break through them. When you enter you will spawn with a first class ghost (same as bio 2f) with the same name and base class as you. When those first class characters die, level 99 transcendent ghosts (same as bio 3f) will spawn randomly, again holding the same base class and name as the players who entered. Once killed, the flower barriers will disappear and you will be allowed to leave the maze.
2) After a short trip you will enter Piamette's room. Piamette stands at the center of the room and watches you as you enter. Immediately she will take 5-6 of your characters and put them into cages set around the outskirts of the room. After killing the various monsters around (alice, violy, ancient mimic, constants), barriers will appear. These barriers constantly summon constant type monsters while alive. Destroying the barriers will free your trapped teammates. With this Piamette becomes angry and will attack you.
3) Again you'll follow a path to a temple where the Valkyrie Wish Maiden watches you, but does not fight. You must clear out all the monsters here, with large mobs of Frus and Skogul. Upon making it to the final room, you must engage and defeat the Wish Maiden.
4) The time limit for completing the test is 1 hour. If you succeed, you are given the godly item that you brought the items for. If you do not complete the test within the time limit, you will be kicked out of the dungeon and be unable to attempt creation of the god item for another 22 hours.
Post de Doddler:----------------------------------
Our gathering for our very first run.

Unfortunately there's a bit of a learning curve when it comes to controlling so many monsters. On our first attempt I was unable to avoid damage from the frus's firewall, which rendered this portion nearly impossible.

This is an example of how not to do the temple portion! Monsters shouldn't be in the party.

And that's time up.

Attempt #4, go!

The mystic garden is probably the single longest portion of the hour long trial. The true enemy here is the maze itself, as its restrictions are rather brutal. I've come to learn that the different colors have different 'styles' of restricting the paths. When the maze switches to red, nearly all the sections can be accessed, as its sort of arranged in a bit of a spiral paturn.
The maze unfortunately is prone to some serious 'icewall' style bugs, where a cell should have been made walkable but your client doesn't seem to think so because you weren't on screen when it changed back. This is frustrating, though recently we found that it can be used to your advantage. If you icewall on a cell where one of the flower barricades appear, when the icewall vanishes, those cells become walkable, even if there are flowers there. You can see we accidentally do this in the video.

The wandering path through the sky is none too difficult, but it is slightly time consuming. With only 18 garden keepers, a 90% drop on crystal keys, and 20 players in the party, you can see where the problem occurs. They respawn rather quickly, 3 minutes, but every minute counts.

The battle of Piamette. The initial stage, where you require to get 6 players caged, and then free them is much easier we found when you assigned specific positions to players for capture.
The actual fight with Piamette is pretty simple. She has 3m HP, and at 60% HP she summons 3 minions. These minions have only 500k HP, but as they lose HP, they begin to use hell judgement and dark blessing (coma effect). Your two options on this fight are to forgo AoE attacks to take down piamette directly without harming her minions, as they don't use their dangerous attacks at full HP. For us however our AoE killers are the strongest in party so we usually try to kill them. This usually is a smooth process because dark blessing is harmless when you have sacrifice from a crusader. Unfortunately for us in the video, the sacrifice crusader died just prior to dark blessing, which caused all kinds of problems.
Normally it's not that messy!

The temple portion of the quest is actually pretty easy if you know what you're doing. All three of our failed attempts ended at this stage as we attempted to figure out some kind of way to handle the hordes of monsters.
In the end we settled on an icewall separation of the party, and dragging the monsters onto a mental strength champion. This works surprisingly well as you can see in the video.

After the Skogul and then Frus are dispatched, you have to take care of the Garden Watchers. These are much scarier, but the concept is generally the same. We used the stairs here because it was easier to keep a separation between the tanks and main party, but it also limits the effectiveness of meteor storm, which works best in open areas.

Once the Wish Maiden appears, the concept is really the same as the previous two, except with a lot more dying. Wish Maiden uses some dangerous skills that can kill the players on the other sides of the icewall if left in idle so we try to keep her tanked as much as possible. Neither the champion nor my LK are proficient at taking damage from a monster of her strength though, but with two of us she generally stayed focused on one long enough for the other to get back on their feet.

Making good time! The run we recorded in the video was cutting it much closer, with only about 3 minutes remaining.

Words of wisdom from the wish maiden after completing the Okolnir trial.

And there it is, the creation of the Asprika.

Pretty nice garment if I do say so myself!
