La descripcion de la skill dice que no te puedes curar con items de curacion(white potions, mastelas ect ect ect)sin embargo si puede ser curado con el heal, pero aca si me deja usar whites mientras la skill esta activa, bug?
aqui la descripcion de la skill segun rune nifelheim y pondre en negro de lo que estoy hablando
Max Level: 10
Type: Supportive, Area Effect
SP Cost: LV 1-5 80SP, LV 6-10 100SP
Upkeep SP Cost: LV 1-5 20SP every 10 sec, LV 6-10 35SP every 10 sec
Upkeep HP Cost: LV 1-5 30HP every 10 sec, LV 6-10 45HP every 10 sec
Target: Self
Area: 7x7 cells
Cast Time: 2 sec
Cool Down: None
Duration: 60 sec
Effect: With Battle Chant, you deal damage to enemies while giving your allies special attribute bonuses.
When a Paladin uses this skill, it will affect all enemies and allies within a 7x7 cells radius with a chance of (50+5*SkillLV)% every 10 seconds.
Even if the caster takes damage, this skill will continue to work, but he can be silenced. When the skill is active, it will periodically drain the Paladin's HP and SP.
The paladin can not use Potions, but may receive healing magic, also Battle Chant may cancel out all positive or negative effects on the affected targets (see below for details), but it does not stack with another Battle Chant.
The effects (positive or negative) can NOT be avoided by Cloaking when staying in the area.
Possible effects on enemies:
� 1-9999 DMG (Neutral, ignores Flee)
� Cause Curse, Blind or Poison status
� Provoke LV 10
� Reduce DEF to 0
� Reduce ATK to 0
� Reduce Flee Rate to 0
� Reduce ASPD and movement speed to 75%
Possible effects on allies:
� 1-9999 HP heal
� Remove all abnormal status (e.g. Curse, Blind and Poison)
� Blessing LV 10 or Increase Agility LV 10
� Enchant Weapon or Armor with Holy property
� Maximum HP or SP +100%
� +20 to all stats
� DEF +25%
� MaxATK +100%
� Flee Rate/HIT +50
� Immunity against status ailments
KRO Name: Gospel