Staff of Piercing +10 x1
Deviace Card x2
Galapago Cap V
alkyrian Armor [1] +3 int C/S Evil Druid x1
Nydhorgg's Shadow Garb [1] +7 x1
Cello +10 x1
Keris +5 int x1
Pole Axe +10 x1
Dragon Breath +0 x1
Lord's Clothes +0 x5
Clip of Ignis (Imp Card) x1
Holy Robe [1] x1
Elder Card x1
Holden Card x1
Howard Alt-Eisen Card x1
Khalitzburg Card x1
Kaho Card x1
Megalith Card x1
Peco Peco Egg Card x1
Giant Whisper Card x1
Sekeleton Worker Card x3
Cursed Baphomet Doll x2
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