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Autor Tema: Instalacion ThotAI PVP  (Leído 6689 veces)

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Desconectado Laurinta

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Instalacion ThotAI PVP
« en: 27 de Marzo de 2014, 20:47:15 pm »
Hola pues mi duda es mi me pueden pasar alguna guia o algo para poder configurarlo porque soy muy corta en temas informáticos,
me han dicho que lo pongo en la carpeta de AI en la que tengo instalado el RO, pero no me va no se si tengo que poner /hoai o algun otro comando dentro del RO una vez instalado o simplemente con instalanlo y reiniciar ya deberia de ir  /swt
This is the end.

Desconectado Very Very!!

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Re:Instalacion ThotAI PVP
« Respuesta #1 en: 27 de Marzo de 2014, 20:52:26 pm »
Hola pues mi duda es mi me pueden pasar alguna guia o algo para poder configurarlo porque soy muy corta en temas informáticos,
me han dicho que lo pongo en la carpeta de AI en la que tengo instalado el RO, pero no me va no se si tengo que poner /hoai o algun otro comando dentro del RO una vez instalado o simplemente con instalanlo y reiniciar ya deberia de ir  /swt

Nose configura Debes asignarle valores donde 0 es No 5 Intensivo y asi Veras tambien valores de 1 Y en caso 2 pero es simple para pvp solo se modifica solo pocas cosas

Debemos Asegurar la Existencia de Nuestra Raza y un Futuro Para los Niños Blancos

pobre petardo jajajajajaja ey eitry jajajajaja No me vallas a Denunciar por Bullying jajajaja Ey eitry mejor dedicate a Un curso intensivo de Fotografia porque en esa Foto Solo te salen 4 pelos  , Olvidaste Solo una Cosa O darte la vuelta y mostrar el Culo o Subir la Camara Y mostrar la Cara Que de por ende Es la misma cosa  en ti muajajajaja


Alguien Que sea sincero Con Coco y le diga Que no rinde de Hunter . Es algo molesto Verlo en los Bg es u na desventaja no solo por ser coco sino por ser hunter jajajajajaja

Desconectado Laurinta

  • Novice
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  • Mensajes: 64
  • OoOoOoOoooooOoOoO
  • Pj Principal: Laurinta
Re:Instalacion ThotAI PVP
« Respuesta #2 en: 27 de Marzo de 2014, 22:54:31 pm »
Hola pues mi duda es mi me pueden pasar alguna guia o algo para poder configurarlo porque soy muy corta en temas informáticos,
me han dicho que lo pongo en la carpeta de AI en la que tengo instalado el RO, pero no me va no se si tengo que poner /hoai o algun otro comando dentro del RO una vez instalado o simplemente con instalanlo y reiniciar ya deberia de ir  /swt

Nose configura Debes asignarle valores donde 0 es No 5 Intensivo y asi Veras tambien valores de 1 Y en caso 2 pero es simple para pvp solo se modifica solo pocas cosas

donde asigno esos valores? me e descargado el thotAI de Alexander que esta en las guias lo e descomprimido en la carpeta donde tengo el AI dentro del RO, no se que mas tengo q hacer !
This is the end.

Desconectado Very Very!!

  • First Job
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  • Mensajes: 153
  • Pj Principal: Petamuros Xtreme
Re:Instalacion ThotAI PVP
« Respuesta #3 en: 27 de Marzo de 2014, 22:59:05 pm »
Hola pues mi duda es mi me pueden pasar alguna guia o algo para poder configurarlo porque soy muy corta en temas informáticos,
me han dicho que lo pongo en la carpeta de AI en la que tengo instalado el RO, pero no me va no se si tengo que poner /hoai o algun otro comando dentro del RO una vez instalado o simplemente con instalanlo y reiniciar ya deberia de ir  /swt

Nose configura Debes asignarle valores donde 0 es No 5 Intensivo y asi Veras tambien valores de 1 Y en caso 2 pero es simple para pvp solo se modifica solo pocas cosas

donde asigno esos valores? me e descargado el thotAI de Alexander que esta en las guias lo e descomprimido en la carpeta donde tengo el AI dentro del RO, no se que mas tengo q hacer !
Mira Te envio escrito por PM los Valores Que Debe Decir en donde dice "HomConfigBasic" Eliminaras Todo lo que alla ai y pegaras lo que escriba , Tambien Todos los Ai que tengas y ademas de eso deberas llamar a la carpeta de ThotAI . asi : AI  y yap . Revisa pm.

Debemos Asegurar la Existencia de Nuestra Raza y un Futuro Para los Niños Blancos

pobre petardo jajajajajaja ey eitry jajajajaja No me vallas a Denunciar por Bullying jajajaja Ey eitry mejor dedicate a Un curso intensivo de Fotografia porque en esa Foto Solo te salen 4 pelos  , Olvidaste Solo una Cosa O darte la vuelta y mostrar el Culo o Subir la Camara Y mostrar la Cara Que de por ende Es la misma cosa  en ti muajajajaja


Alguien Que sea sincero Con Coco y le diga Que no rinde de Hunter . Es algo molesto Verlo en los Bg es u na desventaja no solo por ser coco sino por ser hunter jajajajajaja

Desconectado Marcus

  • First Job
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  • Hola, soy Marcus. Soluciono problemas.
Re:Instalacion ThotAI PVP
« Respuesta #4 en: 27 de Marzo de 2014, 23:33:21 pm »
Evite descargar archivos desconocidos, el archivo que debe modificar es HomConfigBasic aquí le dejo un ejemplo:

Spoiler for Hidden:
Código: [Seleccionar]

This file is part of ThothAI.

    ThothAI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    ThothAI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with ThothAI.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


--THIS FILE ONLY AFFECTS HOMUNCULUS WHEN YOU USE /hoai AND GET "Homunculus has been activated with the basic AI" MESSAGE!
--for most values in this file, yes = 1, no = 0. the rest will specify that other numbers can be used.
--choose a skill level for homunculus skills. if 0, or you don't have the skill, the skill will be disabled.
LifAvoidLvl = 5 --Urgent escape // emergency avoid
LifHealLvl = 5 --Touch of Heal // Healing Hands. this will be impossible to use if stuck in mental change or emergency avoid delays.
LifChangeLvl = 3 --Mental Change
FilirMoveLvl = 5 --Fleet Move // Flitting
FilirMoonLvl = 5 --Moonlight
FilirFlightLvl = 5 --Accelerated Flight // Overspeed
AmistrDefLvl = 5 --Defense // Amistr Bulwark
AmistrCstLvl = 5 --Castling
AmistrBloodLvl = 3 --Blood Lust
VanCapriceLvl = 5 --Caprice

--"defense" skills are. Defense // Amistr Bulwark, Accelerated Flight // Overspeed, parrying, autoguard, reflect shield, Mental Change(good offense is good defense heh)
--because lif skill deleays interfere with each other, urgent escape and mental change will only be used together if nearby song is detected.
--song detection is not perfect, if the bard moves while singing, AI will no longer detect a song. The song used is undeterminable, but bragi is always assumed.
--mental change will only be used if enemy is detected
UseDefenseSkill = 1
--Lif Urgent Escape, Filir Fleet Move, Mercenary 2 hand quicken, Amistr BloodLust(bloodlust will only be used if an enemy is detected
--urgent escape will only be used near a bard song unless LifAlwaysSpeed  = true
UseQuicken = 1 --Lif Urgent Escape, Filir Fleet Move, Mercenary 2 hand quicken, Amistr BloodLust(bloodlust will only activate with onscreen enemies)
VanUseChaotic = 1 --Chaotic Benediction lvl is chosen automatically, based on remaining hp of Owner/Homunculus
LifAlwaysSpeed  = 1 --if enabled, lif will always use urgent escape. due to skill delays, this will make it impossible to use mental change without bragi.
LifAlwaysMental = 1 --if enabled, lif will always use mental change. note that urgent escape takes priority, and this won't do anything if stuck in skill delay.
UseLimitBreak = 0 --calculated use of SBR44 and Bio Explosion vs players. SBR44 will only hit EMPBREAKTARGET who are attacking emperium (only sinx by default).
--bio explosion count is +1 for every confirmed enemy, -2 for every confirmed ally, neutrals and nonplayers are not counted.
VanExThreshold = 5 --minimum number of confirmed hostile players in range before using Bio Explosion.
UseAtkSkills = 1 --attack skills are caprice, moonlight, doublestrafe, pierce, bash, spiralpierce

--Use rescue skills based on remaining Owner HP. rescue skills are Castling, Touch of Heal // Healing Hands, ScapeGoat.
UseRescueSkill = 1
RescueHpPercent = 30 --what Owner HP % is before using rescue skill

--AI starts in follow mode and switches to it when standby key is pressed once. move mode is triggered when you tell homun/merc to move a location.
FollowChaseDown = 1 --when in follow mode, chase after enemies?
MoveChaseDown = 1 --when in move mode, chase after enemies?

--how long to wait before taking action on spawning or mapchange. even if alch is invulnerable, homun/merc is not. don't ever put this above 3000 (3 seconds)
SpawnWait = 0 --3000
MaxDistance = 14 --when beyond this distance, drops everything, switches to follow mode, and returns to owner. if set above 14, will leave homun/merc offscreen.
--note that the below settings will be ignored when kiting
FollowDistance = 2 --follow distance when idle or not chasing
FollowMax = 14 --maximum distance while in follow mode. also affects chasing down enemies in follow mode
MoveRadius = 14 --once you tell homun/merc to move, the maximum distance it will move from that point
IdleDistance = 1 -- if you hit the standby key 3 times, doing anything but sitting, homun will become idle and do nothing except emergency actions. this is the follow distance for idlestate.

-- any value but "NONE" or "NEUTRAL" will change the alliance or type. for usable values, see Const.lua
-- the below can be used to make an "attack" command tell your pet to ignore the guild mindbreaker, or such.
-- note that setting the incorrect values on a target can cause odd behavior. especially if the mercenary uses cast time spells.
-- on manually attacking a target, (alt + left click on target), set alliance and type as:
-- NOTE! manual targeting with homunculus is nearly impossible vs players, as it makes a menu popup! (alt+right click)
ManAtkAlliance = ENEMY
--manually using a skill will set the target as the following alliance and type except for "NONE" or "NEUTRAL" as above
--recovery skills are the exception, will set alliance to ALLYSTATUS
--if neither is set to IGNORE, will use the skill
ManSkillAlliance= ENEMY

--priority to attack certain targets, based on distance, who they attack, and who they are attacked by. higher values = higher relative priority.
--Types and manually set alliance values also have effects on priority.
--the default values will make homun try to protect your mercenary more than itself, as homun can be resurrected easily.
-- a value of zero means distance, targeting or being targeted by them has no effect on priority.
OwnerPriority =15
MercPriority =10
HomunPriority =7
FriendPriority =5 --limited only to whom they are being targeted by. allies, etc

--when no known enemies, try to attack anything it can. useful pvm, this can be good or bad in a crowded pvp room...
SuperAggro =0
AggroHP =0 --% of homun/merc hp before becoming aggressive. will still attack if attacked. set to 0 to always be aggressive
AggroSP =0 --% of sp before becoming aggressive
SuperPassive =0 --totally ignore all enemies. overrides SuperAggro
AtkDLP =0 --best used with and overrides superpassive, this will atk "DLPTARGET" with the purpose of breaking animation delay

--whether or not to write actor data to ActorList.lua. this is useful for preserving enemy list between deaths, summonings, and sharing data between mercenary/homun
--note that only one client can use this at a time or VERY BAD THINGS HAPPEN and you will have to erase the contents
--to set a value for an enemy or ally player permanently, place it in Actor_Presets.lua
--to set all players on screen to ally (useful for your guild or teammates), sit down and press standby 3 times within 5 seconds.
--doing so will greatly speed up checking for enemies, and enable status cure on sitting
--to erase the contents of the actorlist, sit down and press standby 5 times within 5 seconds. you will get a popup. IMPORTANT with changing BG teams.
WriteActorInfo =1
--amount of time before an afk popup appears. if you do not click immediately, client will disconnect. to reset timer, owner must move 1 cell.
--this is useful to keep your homun from starving (and leaving!) if you afk and forget about it.
AFKMaxTime = 75 -- in minutes. 1 hunger = 1 minute. set this below whatever you feed your homunculus to usually. never set above 75.

MoveToSingers =1 --if a bard song is being used, move toward the bard every 20 seconds to refresh song. cannot detect what type of song.
KiteHostiles =0 --enable kiting. specific monsters, players, and types can be set in Actor_Presets.lua
KiteAllEnemies =0 --run away from everything!
KiteDistance =4 --kite to this distance before doing anything else. note that kiting ignores followmax, moveradius, but not maxdistance.

CheatMode = 1 --only for cheaters (you wouldn't cheat would you?)
MiscWait = 6 --seconds

PatrolDistance = 0 -- distance to patrol around owner when idle. if 0, Patrolling is disabled
PatrolType = 2 --1 =box, 2 = diamond. box more practical, diamond more annoying. yes, I made this feature to be annoying

Desconectado Very Very!!

  • First Job
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  • Mensajes: 153
  • Pj Principal: Petamuros Xtreme
Re:Instalacion ThotAI PVP
« Respuesta #5 en: 27 de Marzo de 2014, 23:55:55 pm »
con todo respeto señor marcus ese Ai que le dio es el Basico no es enfocado a pvp a la proxima que meta la cucharada fijese donde dice xDDD Tarjet Enemy Enemy en las dos osea que ese Ai sirve para nada

Debemos Asegurar la Existencia de Nuestra Raza y un Futuro Para los Niños Blancos

pobre petardo jajajajajaja ey eitry jajajajaja No me vallas a Denunciar por Bullying jajajaja Ey eitry mejor dedicate a Un curso intensivo de Fotografia porque en esa Foto Solo te salen 4 pelos  , Olvidaste Solo una Cosa O darte la vuelta y mostrar el Culo o Subir la Camara Y mostrar la Cara Que de por ende Es la misma cosa  en ti muajajajaja


Alguien Que sea sincero Con Coco y le diga Que no rinde de Hunter . Es algo molesto Verlo en los Bg es u na desventaja no solo por ser coco sino por ser hunter jajajajajaja

Desconectado Marcus

  • First Job
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  • Mensajes: 242
  • Hola, soy Marcus. Soluciono problemas.
Re:Instalacion ThotAI PVP
« Respuesta #6 en: 28 de Marzo de 2014, 00:21:26 am »
con todo respeto señor marcus ese Ai que le dio es el Basico no es enfocado a pvp a la proxima que meta la cucharada fijese donde dice xDDD Tarjet Enemy Enemy en las dos osea que ese Ai sirve para nada

Ese AI lo he utilizado en pvp y funciona correctamente.

Desconectado Very Very!!

  • First Job
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  • Mensajes: 153
  • Pj Principal: Petamuros Xtreme
Esto es un AI
« Respuesta #7 en: 28 de Marzo de 2014, 00:30:43 am »
con todo respeto señor marcus ese Ai que le dio es el Basico no es enfocado a pvp a la proxima que meta la cucharada fijese donde dice xDDD Tarjet Enemy Enemy en las dos osea que ese Ai sirve para nada

Ese AI lo he utilizado en pvp y funciona correctamente.
Pero por quien ?
preguntale al Usuario que le envie le envie este el verdadero Ai :


This file is part of ThothAI.

    ThothAI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    ThothAI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with ThothAI.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


--THIS FILE ONLY AFFECTS HOMUNCULUS WHEN YOU USE /hoai AND GET "Homunculus has been activated with the basic AI" MESSAGE!
--for most values in this file, yes = 1, no = 0. the rest will specify that other numbers can be used.
--choose a skill level for homunculus skills. if 0, or you don't have the skill, the skill will be disabled.
LifAvoidLvl   = 5   --Urgent escape // emergency avoid
LifHealLvl   = 5   --Touch of Heal // Healing Hands. this will be impossible to use if stuck in mental change or emergency avoid delays.
LifChangeLvl   = 3   --Mental Change
FilirMoveLvl   = 5   --Fleet Move // Flitting
FilirMoonLvl   = 5   --Moonlight
FilirFlightLvl   = 5   --Accelerated Flight // Overspeed
AmistrDefLvl   = 5   --Defense // Amistr Bulwark
AmistrCstLvl   = 5   --Castling
AmistrBloodLvl   = 3   --Blood Lust
VanCapriceLvl   = 5   --Caprice

--"defense" skills are. Defense // Amistr Bulwark, Accelerated Flight // Overspeed, parrying, autoguard, reflect shield, Mental Change(good offense is good defense heh)
--because lif skill deleays interfere with each other, urgent escape and mental change will only be used together if nearby song is detected.
--song detection is not perfect, if the bard moves while singing, AI will no longer detect a song. The song used is undeterminable, but bragi is always assumed.
--mental change will only be used if enemy is detected
UseDefenseSkill = 1
--Lif Urgent Escape, Filir Fleet Move, Mercenary 2 hand quicken, Amistr BloodLust(bloodlust will only be used if an enemy is detected
--urgent escape will only be used near a bard song unless LifAlwaysSpeed  = true
UseQuicken   = 1   --Lif Urgent Escape, Filir Fleet Move, Mercenary 2 hand quicken, Amistr BloodLust(bloodlust will only activate with onscreen enemies)   
VanUseChaotic   = 1   --Chaotic Benediction lvl is chosen automatically, based on remaining hp of Owner/Homunculus
LifAlwaysSpeed  = 1   --if enabled, lif will always use urgent escape. due to skill delays, this will make it impossible to use mental change without bragi.
LifAlwaysMental   = 1   --if enabled, lif will always use mental change. note that urgent escape takes priority, and this won't do anything if stuck in skill delay.
UseLimitBreak    = 0   --calculated use of SBR44 and Bio Explosion vs players. SBR44 will only hit EMPBREAKTARGET who are attacking emperium (only sinx by default).
         --bio explosion count is +1 for every confirmed enemy, -2 for every confirmed ally, neutrals and nonplayers are not counted.
VanExThreshold    = 5   --minimum number of confirmed hostile players in range before using Bio Explosion.
UseAtkSkills   = 1   --attack skills are caprice, moonlight, doublestrafe, pierce, bash, spiralpierce   

--Use rescue skills based on remaining Owner HP. rescue skills are Castling, Touch of Heal // Healing Hands, ScapeGoat.
UseRescueSkill   = 1   
RescueHpPercent   = 30   --what Owner HP % is before using rescue skill

--AI starts in follow mode and switches to it when standby key is pressed once. move mode is triggered when you tell homun/merc to move a location.
FollowChaseDown   = 1   --when in follow mode, chase after enemies?
MoveChaseDown   = 1   --when in move mode, chase after enemies?

--how long to wait before taking action on spawning or mapchange. even if alch is invulnerable, homun/merc is not. don't ever put this above 3000 (3 seconds)
SpawnWait   = 0 --3000
MaxDistance   = 14   --when beyond this distance, drops everything, switches to follow mode, and returns to owner. if set above 14, will leave homun/merc offscreen.
--note that the below settings will be ignored when kiting
FollowDistance    = 2   --follow distance when idle or not chasing
FollowMax   = 12   --maximum distance while in follow mode. also affects chasing down enemies in follow mode
MoveRadius   = 7   --once you tell homun/merc to move, the maximum distance it will move from that point
IdleDistance   = 1   -- if you hit the standby key 3 times, doing anything but sitting, homun will become idle and do nothing except emergency actions. this is the follow distance for idlestate.

-- any value but "NONE" or "NEUTRAL" will change the alliance or type. for usable values, see Const.lua
-- the below can be used to make an "attack" command tell your pet to ignore the guild mindbreaker, or such.
-- note that setting the incorrect values on a target can cause odd behavior. especially if the mercenary uses cast time spells.
-- on manually attacking a target, (alt + left click on target), set alliance and type as:
-- NOTE! manual targeting with homunculus is nearly impossible vs players, as it makes a menu popup! (alt+right click)
ManAtkAlliance   = ENEMY
--manually using a skill will set the target as the following alliance and type except for "NONE" or "NEUTRAL" as above
--recovery skills are the exception, will set alliance to ALLYSTATUS
--if neither is set to IGNORE, will use the skill
ManSkillAlliance= ENEMY
ManSkillType   = ENEMY

--priority to attack certain targets, based on distance, who they attack, and who they are attacked by. higher values = higher relative priority.
--Types and manually set alliance values also have effects on priority.
--the default values will make homun try to protect your mercenary more than itself, as homun can be resurrected easily.
-- a value of zero means distance, targeting or being targeted by them has no effect on priority.
OwnerPriority   =15
MercPriority   =10
HomunPriority   =7
FriendPriority   =5   --limited only to whom they are being targeted by. allies, etc

--when no known enemies, try to attack anything it can. useful pvm, this can be good or bad in a crowded pvp room...
SuperAggro   =0
AggroHP      =1   --% of homun/merc hp before becoming aggressive. will still attack if attacked. set to 0 to always be aggressive
AggroSP      =0   --% of sp before becoming aggressive
SuperPassive   =0   --totally ignore all enemies. overrides SuperAggro
AtkDLP      =0   --best used with and overrides superpassive, this will atk "DLPTARGET" with the purpose of breaking animation delay

--whether or not to write actor data to ActorList.lua. this is useful for preserving enemy list between deaths, summonings, and sharing data between mercenary/homun
--note that only one client can use this at a time or VERY BAD THINGS HAPPEN and you will have to erase the contents
--to set a value for an enemy or ally player permanently, place it in Actor_Presets.lua
--to set all players on screen to ally (useful for your guild or teammates), sit down and press standby 3 times within 5 seconds.
--doing so will greatly speed up checking for enemies, and enable status cure on sitting
--to erase the contents of the actorlist, sit down and press standby 5 times within 5 seconds. you will get a popup. IMPORTANT with changing BG teams.
WriteActorInfo   =0
--amount of time before an afk popup appears. if you do not click immediately, client will disconnect. to reset timer, owner must move 1 cell.
--this is useful to keep your homun from starving (and leaving!) if you afk and forget about it.
AFKMaxTime   = 75 -- in minutes. 1 hunger = 1 minute. set this below whatever you feed your homunculus to usually. never set above 75.

MoveToSingers   =1   --if a bard song is being used, move toward the bard every 20 seconds to refresh song. cannot detect what type of song.
KiteHostiles    =0   --enable kiting. specific monsters, players, and types can be set in Actor_Presets.lua
KiteAllEnemies    =0   --run away from everything!
KiteDistance    =4   --kite to this distance before doing anything else. note that kiting ignores followmax, moveradius, but not maxdistance.

CheatMode   = 1   --only for cheaters (you wouldn't cheat would you?)
MiscWait   = 6   --seconds

PatrolDistance    = 1 -- distance to patrol around owner when idle. if 0, Patrolling is disabled
PatrolType    = 2 --1 =box, 2 = diamond. box more practical, diamond more annoying. yes, I made this feature to be annoying

Compralo Y tu Dime jajajajaj igualitos xDD
Ella o el No dijo Que necesitaba un Ai Dijo Que lo queria Configurado para pvp El que tu le mostraste Es el Simple El de fabrica xDDD Tareita para mañana Marcus Aprender a configurar Ai ^^  /err

« Última modificación: 28 de Marzo de 2014, 00:33:35 am por Very Very!! »

Debemos Asegurar la Existencia de Nuestra Raza y un Futuro Para los Niños Blancos

pobre petardo jajajajajaja ey eitry jajajajaja No me vallas a Denunciar por Bullying jajajaja Ey eitry mejor dedicate a Un curso intensivo de Fotografia porque en esa Foto Solo te salen 4 pelos  , Olvidaste Solo una Cosa O darte la vuelta y mostrar el Culo o Subir la Camara Y mostrar la Cara Que de por ende Es la misma cosa  en ti muajajajaja


Alguien Que sea sincero Con Coco y le diga Que no rinde de Hunter . Es algo molesto Verlo en los Bg es u na desventaja no solo por ser coco sino por ser hunter jajajajajaja

Desconectado Marcus

  • First Job
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  • Mensajes: 242
  • Hola, soy Marcus. Soluciono problemas.
Re:Esto es un AI
« Respuesta #8 en: 28 de Marzo de 2014, 01:06:42 am »
Spoiler for Hidden:
Código: [Seleccionar]

This file is part of ThothAI.

    ThothAI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    ThothAI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with ThothAI.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


--THIS FILE ONLY AFFECTS HOMUNCULUS WHEN YOU USE /hoai AND GET "Homunculus has been activated with the basic AI" MESSAGE!
--for most values in this file, yes = 1, no = 0. the rest will specify that other numbers can be used.
--choose a skill level for homunculus skills. if 0, or you don't have the skill, the skill will be disabled.
LifAvoidLvl = 5 --Urgent escape // emergency avoid
LifHealLvl = 5 --Touch of Heal // Healing Hands. this will be impossible to use if stuck in mental change or emergency avoid delays.
LifChangeLvl = 3 --Mental Change
FilirMoveLvl = 5 --Fleet Move // Flitting
FilirMoonLvl = 5 --Moonlight
FilirFlightLvl = 5 --Accelerated Flight // Overspeed
AmistrDefLvl = 5 --Defense // Amistr Bulwark
AmistrCstLvl = 5 --Castling
AmistrBloodLvl = 3 --Blood Lust
VanCapriceLvl = 5 --Caprice

--"defense" skills are. Defense // Amistr Bulwark, Accelerated Flight // Overspeed, parrying, autoguard, reflect shield, Mental Change(good offense is good defense heh)
--because lif skill deleays interfere with each other, urgent escape and mental change will only be used together if nearby song is detected.
--song detection is not perfect, if the bard moves while singing, AI will no longer detect a song. The song used is undeterminable, but bragi is always assumed.
--mental change will only be used if enemy is detected
UseDefenseSkill = 1
--Lif Urgent Escape, Filir Fleet Move, Mercenary 2 hand quicken, Amistr BloodLust(bloodlust will only be used if an enemy is detected
--urgent escape will only be used near a bard song unless LifAlwaysSpeed  = true
UseQuicken = 1 --Lif Urgent Escape, Filir Fleet Move, Mercenary 2 hand quicken, Amistr BloodLust(bloodlust will only activate with onscreen enemies)
VanUseChaotic = 1 --Chaotic Benediction lvl is chosen automatically, based on remaining hp of Owner/Homunculus
LifAlwaysSpeed  = 1 --if enabled, lif will always use urgent escape. due to skill delays, this will make it impossible to use mental change without bragi.
LifAlwaysMental = 1 --if enabled, lif will always use mental change. note that urgent escape takes priority, and this won't do anything if stuck in skill delay.
UseLimitBreak = 0 --calculated use of SBR44 and Bio Explosion vs players. SBR44 will only hit EMPBREAKTARGET who are attacking emperium (only sinx by default).
--bio explosion count is +1 for every confirmed enemy, -2 for every confirmed ally, neutrals and nonplayers are not counted.
VanExThreshold = 5 --minimum number of confirmed hostile players in range before using Bio Explosion.
UseAtkSkills = 1 --attack skills are caprice, moonlight, doublestrafe, pierce, bash, spiralpierce

--Use rescue skills based on remaining Owner HP. rescue skills are Castling, Touch of Heal // Healing Hands, ScapeGoat.
UseRescueSkill = 1
RescueHpPercent = 30 --what Owner HP % is before using rescue skill

--AI starts in follow mode and switches to it when standby key is pressed once. move mode is triggered when you tell homun/merc to move a location.
FollowChaseDown = 1 --when in follow mode, chase after enemies?
MoveChaseDown = 1 --when in move mode, chase after enemies?

--how long to wait before taking action on spawning or mapchange. even if alch is invulnerable, homun/merc is not. don't ever put this above 3000 (3 seconds)
SpawnWait = 0 --3000
MaxDistance = 14 --when beyond this distance, drops everything, switches to follow mode, and returns to owner. if set above 14, will leave homun/merc offscreen.
--note that the below settings will be ignored when kiting
FollowDistance = 2 --follow distance when idle or not chasing
FollowMax = 12 --maximum distance while in follow mode. also affects chasing down enemies in follow mode
MoveRadius = 7 --once you tell homun/merc to move, the maximum distance it will move from that point
IdleDistance = 1 -- if you hit the standby key 3 times, doing anything but sitting, homun will become idle and do nothing except emergency actions. this is the follow distance for idlestate.

-- any value but "NONE" or "NEUTRAL" will change the alliance or type. for usable values, see Const.lua
-- the below can be used to make an "attack" command tell your pet to ignore the guild mindbreaker, or such.
-- note that setting the incorrect values on a target can cause odd behavior. especially if the mercenary uses cast time spells.
-- on manually attacking a target, (alt + left click on target), set alliance and type as:
-- NOTE! manual targeting with homunculus is nearly impossible vs players, as it makes a menu popup! (alt+right click)
ManAtkAlliance = ENEMY
--manually using a skill will set the target as the following alliance and type except for "NONE" or "NEUTRAL" as above
--recovery skills are the exception, will set alliance to ALLYSTATUS
--if neither is set to IGNORE, will use the skill
ManSkillAlliance= ENEMY
ManSkillType = ENEMY

--priority to attack certain targets, based on distance, who they attack, and who they are attacked by. higher values = higher relative priority.
--Types and manually set alliance values also have effects on priority.
--the default values will make homun try to protect your mercenary more than itself, as homun can be resurrected easily.
-- a value of zero means distance, targeting or being targeted by them has no effect on priority.
OwnerPriority =15
MercPriority =10
HomunPriority =7
FriendPriority =5 --limited only to whom they are being targeted by. allies, etc

--when no known enemies, try to attack anything it can. useful pvm, this can be good or bad in a crowded pvp room...
SuperAggro =0
AggroHP =1 --% of homun/merc hp before becoming aggressive. will still attack if attacked. set to 0 to always be aggressive
AggroSP =0 --% of sp before becoming aggressive
SuperPassive =0 --totally ignore all enemies. overrides SuperAggro
AtkDLP =0 --best used with and overrides superpassive, this will atk "DLPTARGET" with the purpose of breaking animation delay

--whether or not to write actor data to ActorList.lua. this is useful for preserving enemy list between deaths, summonings, and sharing data between mercenary/homun
--note that only one client can use this at a time or VERY BAD THINGS HAPPEN and you will have to erase the contents
--to set a value for an enemy or ally player permanently, place it in Actor_Presets.lua
--to set all players on screen to ally (useful for your guild or teammates), sit down and press standby 3 times within 5 seconds.
--doing so will greatly speed up checking for enemies, and enable status cure on sitting
--to erase the contents of the actorlist, sit down and press standby 5 times within 5 seconds. you will get a popup. IMPORTANT with changing BG teams.
WriteActorInfo =0
--amount of time before an afk popup appears. if you do not click immediately, client will disconnect. to reset timer, owner must move 1 cell.
--this is useful to keep your homun from starving (and leaving!) if you afk and forget about it.
AFKMaxTime = 75 -- in minutes. 1 hunger = 1 minute. set this below whatever you feed your homunculus to usually. never set above 75.

MoveToSingers =1 --if a bard song is being used, move toward the bard every 20 seconds to refresh song. cannot detect what type of song.
KiteHostiles =0 --enable kiting. specific monsters, players, and types can be set in Actor_Presets.lua
KiteAllEnemies =0 --run away from everything!
KiteDistance =4 --kite to this distance before doing anything else. note that kiting ignores followmax, moveradius, but not maxdistance.

CheatMode = 1 --only for cheaters (you wouldn't cheat would you?)
MiscWait = 6 --seconds

PatrolDistance = 1 -- distance to patrol around owner when idle. if 0, Patrolling is disabled
PatrolType = 2 --1 =box, 2 = diamond. box more practical, diamond more annoying. yes, I made this feature to be annoying

Gracias por compartir sus conocimientos para el uso de todos, en lo personal el que le pasé yo me funcionaba en pvp, pero si el suyo es mejor, enhorabuena, gracias de nuevo por compartirlo.

Desconectado Laurinta

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Re:Instalacion ThotAI PVP
« Respuesta #9 en: 28 de Marzo de 2014, 10:18:03 am »
Muchas gracias very very !! :D /love
This is the end.

Desconectado †Player†

  • ~Solo Es Un Punto De Vista Distinto Al Tuyo, Nada Es Personal~
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Re:Instalacion ThotAI PVP
« Respuesta #10 en: 28 de Marzo de 2014, 11:29:47 am »
Evite descargar archivos desconocidos, el archivo que debe modificar es HomConfigBasic aquí le dejo un ejemplo:

Spoiler for Hidden:
Código: [Seleccionar]

This file is part of ThothAI.

    ThothAI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    ThothAI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with ThothAI.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


--THIS FILE ONLY AFFECTS HOMUNCULUS WHEN YOU USE /hoai AND GET "Homunculus has been activated with the basic AI" MESSAGE!
--for most values in this file, yes = 1, no = 0. the rest will specify that other numbers can be used.
--choose a skill level for homunculus skills. if 0, or you don't have the skill, the skill will be disabled.
LifAvoidLvl = 5 --Urgent escape // emergency avoid
LifHealLvl = 5 --Touch of Heal // Healing Hands. this will be impossible to use if stuck in mental change or emergency avoid delays.
LifChangeLvl = 3 --Mental Change
FilirMoveLvl = 5 --Fleet Move // Flitting
FilirMoonLvl = 5 --Moonlight
FilirFlightLvl = 5 --Accelerated Flight // Overspeed
AmistrDefLvl = 5 --Defense // Amistr Bulwark
AmistrCstLvl = 5 --Castling
AmistrBloodLvl = 3 --Blood Lust
VanCapriceLvl = 5 --Caprice

--"defense" skills are. Defense // Amistr Bulwark, Accelerated Flight // Overspeed, parrying, autoguard, reflect shield, Mental Change(good offense is good defense heh)
--because lif skill deleays interfere with each other, urgent escape and mental change will only be used together if nearby song is detected.
--song detection is not perfect, if the bard moves while singing, AI will no longer detect a song. The song used is undeterminable, but bragi is always assumed.
--mental change will only be used if enemy is detected
UseDefenseSkill = 1
--Lif Urgent Escape, Filir Fleet Move, Mercenary 2 hand quicken, Amistr BloodLust(bloodlust will only be used if an enemy is detected
--urgent escape will only be used near a bard song unless LifAlwaysSpeed  = true
UseQuicken = 1 --Lif Urgent Escape, Filir Fleet Move, Mercenary 2 hand quicken, Amistr BloodLust(bloodlust will only activate with onscreen enemies)
VanUseChaotic = 1 --Chaotic Benediction lvl is chosen automatically, based on remaining hp of Owner/Homunculus
LifAlwaysSpeed  = 1 --if enabled, lif will always use urgent escape. due to skill delays, this will make it impossible to use mental change without bragi.
LifAlwaysMental = 1 --if enabled, lif will always use mental change. note that urgent escape takes priority, and this won't do anything if stuck in skill delay.
UseLimitBreak = 0 --calculated use of SBR44 and Bio Explosion vs players. SBR44 will only hit EMPBREAKTARGET who are attacking emperium (only sinx by default).
--bio explosion count is +1 for every confirmed enemy, -2 for every confirmed ally, neutrals and nonplayers are not counted.
VanExThreshold = 5 --minimum number of confirmed hostile players in range before using Bio Explosion.
UseAtkSkills = 1 --attack skills are caprice, moonlight, doublestrafe, pierce, bash, spiralpierce

--Use rescue skills based on remaining Owner HP. rescue skills are Castling, Touch of Heal // Healing Hands, ScapeGoat.
UseRescueSkill = 1
RescueHpPercent = 30 --what Owner HP % is before using rescue skill

--AI starts in follow mode and switches to it when standby key is pressed once. move mode is triggered when you tell homun/merc to move a location.
FollowChaseDown = 1 --when in follow mode, chase after enemies?
MoveChaseDown = 1 --when in move mode, chase after enemies?

--how long to wait before taking action on spawning or mapchange. even if alch is invulnerable, homun/merc is not. don't ever put this above 3000 (3 seconds)
SpawnWait = 0 --3000
MaxDistance = 14 --when beyond this distance, drops everything, switches to follow mode, and returns to owner. if set above 14, will leave homun/merc offscreen.
--note that the below settings will be ignored when kiting
FollowDistance = 2 --follow distance when idle or not chasing
FollowMax = 14 --maximum distance while in follow mode. also affects chasing down enemies in follow mode
MoveRadius = 14 --once you tell homun/merc to move, the maximum distance it will move from that point
IdleDistance = 1 -- if you hit the standby key 3 times, doing anything but sitting, homun will become idle and do nothing except emergency actions. this is the follow distance for idlestate.

-- any value but "NONE" or "NEUTRAL" will change the alliance or type. for usable values, see Const.lua
-- the below can be used to make an "attack" command tell your pet to ignore the guild mindbreaker, or such.
-- note that setting the incorrect values on a target can cause odd behavior. especially if the mercenary uses cast time spells.
-- on manually attacking a target, (alt + left click on target), set alliance and type as:
-- NOTE! manual targeting with homunculus is nearly impossible vs players, as it makes a menu popup! (alt+right click)
ManAtkAlliance = ENEMY
--manually using a skill will set the target as the following alliance and type except for "NONE" or "NEUTRAL" as above
--recovery skills are the exception, will set alliance to ALLYSTATUS
--if neither is set to IGNORE, will use the skill
ManSkillAlliance= ENEMY

--priority to attack certain targets, based on distance, who they attack, and who they are attacked by. higher values = higher relative priority.
--Types and manually set alliance values also have effects on priority.
--the default values will make homun try to protect your mercenary more than itself, as homun can be resurrected easily.
-- a value of zero means distance, targeting or being targeted by them has no effect on priority.
OwnerPriority =15
MercPriority =10
HomunPriority =7
FriendPriority =5 --limited only to whom they are being targeted by. allies, etc

--when no known enemies, try to attack anything it can. useful pvm, this can be good or bad in a crowded pvp room...
SuperAggro =0
AggroHP =0 --% of homun/merc hp before becoming aggressive. will still attack if attacked. set to 0 to always be aggressive
AggroSP =0 --% of sp before becoming aggressive
SuperPassive =0 --totally ignore all enemies. overrides SuperAggro
AtkDLP =0 --best used with and overrides superpassive, this will atk "DLPTARGET" with the purpose of breaking animation delay

--whether or not to write actor data to ActorList.lua. this is useful for preserving enemy list between deaths, summonings, and sharing data between mercenary/homun
--note that only one client can use this at a time or VERY BAD THINGS HAPPEN and you will have to erase the contents
--to set a value for an enemy or ally player permanently, place it in Actor_Presets.lua
--to set all players on screen to ally (useful for your guild or teammates), sit down and press standby 3 times within 5 seconds.
--doing so will greatly speed up checking for enemies, and enable status cure on sitting
--to erase the contents of the actorlist, sit down and press standby 5 times within 5 seconds. you will get a popup. IMPORTANT with changing BG teams.
WriteActorInfo =1
--amount of time before an afk popup appears. if you do not click immediately, client will disconnect. to reset timer, owner must move 1 cell.
--this is useful to keep your homun from starving (and leaving!) if you afk and forget about it.
AFKMaxTime = 75 -- in minutes. 1 hunger = 1 minute. set this below whatever you feed your homunculus to usually. never set above 75.

MoveToSingers =1 --if a bard song is being used, move toward the bard every 20 seconds to refresh song. cannot detect what type of song.
KiteHostiles =0 --enable kiting. specific monsters, players, and types can be set in Actor_Presets.lua
KiteAllEnemies =0 --run away from everything!
KiteDistance =4 --kite to this distance before doing anything else. note that kiting ignores followmax, moveradius, but not maxdistance.

CheatMode = 1 --only for cheaters (you wouldn't cheat would you?)
MiscWait = 6 --seconds

PatrolDistance = 0 -- distance to patrol around owner when idle. if 0, Patrolling is disabled
PatrolType = 2 --1 =box, 2 = diamond. box more practical, diamond more annoying. yes, I made this feature to be annoying

mucha atencion a lo que parece ser no entendiste porfa.