tengo entendido que cracker se basa en la vida del enemigo y si tiene 99 de vit, no hace nada
Funciona como el stun regular del sonick blow o de el scream de gipsy.
Esa skill lleva más de año y medio reportada en eathena, y todavía no se deciden si puede o no ser usada contra players.
Encontre esto en el link ese
everything I've read on the forums that officials frequent implies that it works.
http://forums.roempire.com/showthread.php?...8888&page=2"Cracker only uses only 1 coin, So I think it is spammable. Useful against Snipers or Wiz."
"Chain action in PvP is not so good. You'll want to use skills so I suggest u lower chain action, and going Vit Int Dex to spam skills. Also, add Cracker to your arsenal to stun enemies from afar."
http://forums.irowiki.org/showthread.php?t=6960&page=2"I got Cracker. Useful on Ninja's in pvp and woe. That is the only time I use it. Stop's 99% of Ninjas in their tracks. "
http://forums.roempire.com/showthread.php?t=143632theres a lot of nice skills from the coin side that does well for pvp/woe. though usually you wont have time to caste it over and over again if the skill doesnt do what your trying to do (ex. bulls eye has a .1 chance of coma) u can also use the cracker skill for a % for stun, and fling to reduce def. but, i think most of the time, u would spam desperado, and pull in a couple of rapid showers.
http://forums.roempire.com/showthread.php?t=145245you already got good skill, the last skill point can go to cracker
don't trade desperado with spread shot cuz desperado own in pvp/woe. cracker x desperado combination kill a good portion of classes with the exception of LK/paladins. think desperado as GunSlingers "Sonik blow" with area, its hurts its spammable
http://forums.roempire.com/showthread.php?t=149608[ Being ATK-only means that it bypasses the only REAL protections most ninjas have: Cicada Skin Shed and its bigger brother, Mirror Image. That's why it's a worthwhile investment if you're up to it ]
Cracker? I dislike it personally. Maybe if it had a higher maximum stun rate I'd approve of it (currently it's only 60% at melee range, and goes down to 30% at the farthest range), but with everyone going VIT?
http://forums.roempire.com/showthread.php?t=153740Cracker is utterly useless in WoE since everyone has enough VIT to counter stun.
http://forums.roempire.com/showthread.php?t=149889Cracker? Hmmm you can have it but use it hoping you get a stun in PvP isin�t a great idea. Better spam THS or Full Blast.
http://iro.ragnarokonline.com/forum/forums...w.asp?tid=28877Cracker is hard to comment on. It's great- when it works. (woe topic)
http://iro.ragnarokonline.com/forum/forums...ew.asp?tid=6875Skills like cracker would be great for other AGI classes but as stated, using coin flip isn't something you wanna be doing while a hunter is DSing you to death.
Para los que no sepan leer, esto son quotes de otros foros, de gente que usa esta habilidad en pvp, y no son comentarios de hace años, son de mayo 2010 hasta octubre del 2011.